Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Excel - Copy Work Sheet

Copy Worksheet

First let us create some sample text before we proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data. We've shown a sample data in the screenshot.
OrderDateRegionRepItemUnitsUnit CostTotal
Excel Sample Text Here are the steps to copy an entire worksheet
Step (1) : Right Click the Sheet Name and select Move or Copy option.
Copy Sheet Step (2) : Now you'll see the Move or Copy dialog with select Worksheet option as selected from the general tab. Click Ok button
Move Dialog Select Create a Copy Checkbox to create a copy of current sheet and Before sheet option as (move to end) so that new sheet gets created at end.
Press Ok Button
Now you should have your copied sheet as shown below.
Copied Sheet You can rename the sheet by double clicking on it.On double click, name become editable. Enter any name say Sheet5 and press Tab or Enter Key.

Excel - Hiding a worksheet

Hiding Worksheet

Here is the step to hide a worksheet
Step (1) Right Click the Sheet Name and select Hide option. Sheet will get hidden.
Hide Sheet

Unhiding Worksheet

Here are the steps to unhide a worksheet
Step (1) Right Click on any Sheet Name and select Unhide... option.
Unhide Sheet Step (2) Select Sheet Name to unhide in Unhide dialog to unhide the sheet.
Press Ok Button
Now you will have your hidden sheet back.

Excel - Delete Worksheet

Delete Worksheet

Here is the step to delete a worksheet
Step (1) Right Click the Sheet Name and select Delete option.
Delete Sheet Sheet will get deleted if it is empty otherwise you'll see a confirmation message.
Delete Sheet2 Step (2) Press Delete Button
Now your worksheet will get deleted.

Excel - Close Worksheet

Close Workbook

Here are the steps to close a workbook
Step (1) Click the Close Button as shown below.
Close Sheet You'll see a confirmation message to save the workbook.
Close Sheet2 Step (2) Press Save Button to save the workbook as we did in MS Excel - Save Workbook chapter.
Now your worksheet will get closed.

Excel - Open Workbook in Excel

Open Workbook
Let us see how to open workbook from excel
Step (1) Click the File Menu as shown below. You can see open option in File Menu. There are two more columns Recent workbooks and Recent places where you can see recently opened workbooks and recent places from where workbooks are opened.
File Menu Step (2) Clicking the Open Option will open the browse dialog as shown below. Browse the directory and find file you need to open.
Open Dialog Step (3) Once you select the workbook your workbook will be opened as below:
File Menu

Excel - Help

Introduction (Chapter 1)
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

MS Excel provides context sensitive help on mouse over. To see context sensitive help for Particular Menu option hover the mouse over the option for some time. Then you can see context sensitive Help as shown below Context Sensitive Help

Getting More Help

For getting more help with MS Excel from Microsoft you can press F1 or by File -> Help -> Support -> Microsoft office HelpHelp from File
